Saturday, September 27, 2008

Baby Yogurt

We just started giving Charlotte Yo Baby - a whole milk yogurt that is very mild for babies. Karis offered to feed Charlotte one morning.

Hmmm, what does yo-baby taste like?


Charlotte thinks so too!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Family Fun Did It Again

We love Family Fun Magazine! There are so many ideas of fun activities to do as a family - hence the name. Yesterday we went to the Plewniaks and began this activity. I forgot my camera, but here is the finished product! Tie-Die pumpkin shirts. The process took a full 24 hours (due to dry time on the shirts), but they are wearing them now. Both children got up this morning asking if their shirts were dry to color the faces on the pumpkins.

So, as soon as breakfast was over we began the faces.

Joshua was more excited about the activity than I thought he would be. I love the way he holds a marker!

Pumpkin shirt. See?

Princess Party

For Karis, the only thing better than dressing up in princess attire - is wearing it somewhere! Last week, Karis' friend Lily celebrated with a royal party.
All the princesses dressed up for the Ball!
A grown-up cinderella came to - all the little girlies were speechless!
Lily at her party

Big brother Zeke- what is he thinking?


Let the creativity begin! Karis somewhere saw a picture of someone skiing. She REALLY wanted to try it. Despite my attempts to explain that we can't ski when it is 80 degrees outside, she was determined. The result...indoor skiing with paper plates and mop sticks!
Mom - looks like she might like to cross country ski with you in the future!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Oh, this little one...she is such a joy!

Full Heart

Recently, I have been reading these journal entries from a Christian mother that fill my heart with gratitude to God for what he has done on my behalf, and with love for my family. Here is an entry that is particularly relavent in my life:

The heart of a child
Awake with fussy, teething baby through the nightime hours--her sweet warmth nestled beside me, finding peace and comfort in this God-given one who loves her day and/or night and delights in tenderly caring for her. Her heart safely trusts in me.

Unable to sleep, I too find a place of quiet rest midst the darkness round about me, in a loving Heavenly Father who neither slumbers nor sleeps, who is the keeper of this heart of mine prone to wander from His side. The keeper of my heart; my hopes, my dreams, joys, sorrows, fears and confusions.... He made me, He knows me, He loves me through and through. There is a place of quiet rest, near to the heart of God. The love of Jesus, what it is, none but His loved ones know.

Then shall you call upon Me, and you shall go and pray unto Me, and I will come near to you. And you shall seek Me, and find Me, when you shall search for Me with all your heart. And I will be found of you....Jeremiah 29:12-14...I continually marvel, at the reality and revelation of God, everywhere--all the time, to those whose hearts are inclined towards Him, in dependence with a childlike trust, desiring His good and perfect will, in all things. Amidst the many doings of my life, it is the be-ing, with this One that loves me dearest and best that keeps me, that sustains me, that causes my heart to overflow, with a love that I could never hope to possess on my own. He takes all that I am and am not, and freely gives of Himself.

Jesus, I am resting, resting, in the joy of what You are, I am finding out the greatness of Your loving heart. May I ever be, led by Your gentleness. May I continually find rest, in Your love.

Stick 'em up!

Just me - Charlotte!
Note: This was Karis' narrative.

It's Football Time in Tennessee!

Well, Tennessee Football might not be so great this year, but this boy thinks it is! This morning I told him we were going to watch a UT football game. He said, "Oh! We're going to go? I will yell Go Tennessee!" I told him that we were going to watch it on TV thinking he would be disappointed, but he ran to get his UT t-shirt on - just as happy to watch it on tv as to be with 107,000 fans! I love that boy!

Apple Picking

Last Monday we piked apples as a family activity. we tried a new apple - well, new to us - Mutsu, and loved them! We picked 1/2 a bushel of apples!
Since picking them we have had apple pie, peanut butter and apples and soon to come...applesauce.

Grandparent visits

This summer the children were able to visit with all of their grandparents. Here are a few photos from the visits:
Karis loves hearing stories from when Craig and I were children. Her Mimi told Karis so many stories from when Craig was a boy, and she still talks about it!

My mom came for a visit on weekend and we enjoyed a few hours at the Cove Park

Holding Charlotte

My Dad took the red eye back from a business trip in CA to spend two days with the kids. We had a great visit. Shucking corn together.

Needless to say - my Dad was worn out! He tried to catch a few Zzz's - but not very many. Joshua climbed on top of him and pretended to do the same.
Papa-Daddy, Mimi, Moo-ma, Grandpa John and Gram Raleigh - we love you all. Thanks for loving the children and making visits special!

School Days

Karis started kindergarten this year, and I have the joy of teaching her at home.

Photo with her teacher on the first day of school

Hard at work on her alphabet
What does Joshua do during this time? A lot of this! And, he joins in our lessons at times which is humorous. He knows some of the songs that Karis sings as a part of her lessons. Learning to read will probably come easier for him since he will have heard all of her lessons too.

Fenwick Island

Our annual vacation to Fenwick Island was as always - a joy. We had another year of beautiful weather. The cousins enjoyed each other, and we made more summer memories.

Charlotte enjoyed her great grandfather. I think he enjoyed her too!
Joshua is still a mad man when it comes to cereal. It is his favorite food group - at least he thinks it should be a food group. His favorite? Honey Bunches of Oats...just like his daddy!

Our nephew Aaron. He learned a lot of new silly-ness from his cousins, and shared a few silly tricks with them too!

The littles

If you click on this photo you can see it much better, but I love this one. Craig and Joshua went for a walk one morning on the beach. This is the way back in.

The whole Fenwick Clan

Where have we been?

I realize it has been two months since I have updated any photos on our family blog...we have been busy! Here is a snapshot into what we have been doing...

A lot of bike riding

A little bit of fishing

A lot of learning

which has been so much fun!


Karis thinks Charlotte likes it too. I'm not convinced!

A lot of playtime


Sweet thing.