Wednesday, May 09, 2007


How fortunate are we that we have family in town? To top it all off, the cousins are the same age! Karis and Madie are thrilled to play together and go on many adventures together. They typically involve being Dogs, princesses, pirates or Mommies - depending on which girl you ask.
The boys - well they are learning to share and play together. This is something that definitely does NOT come naturally! In this picture, Joshua and Philip were playing together. But, Joshua insisted he wanted Match box cars to go down the ramp and Philip was wanting to use only the cars that came with the ramp to go down the ramp. Both were very ardent in their intents! These children really are a blessing and a joy. I can't imagine life without them.
I was struck yesterday as I read Psalm 96 :2 Sing to the Lord, Praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. This sums up my joy and obligation as a mother. Delight myself in God - (sing to the Lord and praise his name), and tell my children of his wondrous grace - (proclaim his salvation), I will be full of joy. What a delightful duty to day after day tell them of his salvation!


Thern said...

Thanks for the scripture. Children are such a blessing and I am thankful for the privelege to train one. Funny story- I was with Amy B the other day and Weston was chewing on one of Amelia's toys. I asked if it was okay she said, "oh sure, Jenny and Laura say their girls have the same germs!" It was really cute. -Trill

ploon said...

The girls could pass as sisters! I cannot believe how much they look alike.
Congrats on your new niece! So happy for your fam!

Laura said...

What a blessing that they can grow up same age and so close!!! Cute pictures.