Saturday, July 18, 2009

July 4th Festivities

This 4th of July was a day filled with family fun! We all went to the Farragut Town Parade which was a hit for the children. We got there a few minutes before it started, and still managed to find a spot in the shade where the children could be by the curb - with the goal of candy catching!

The parade was mainly local businesses and organizations, but the children loved the cars, costumes and did I mention the candy? I think Joshua did nothing but eat dum dums and tootsie rolls all morning! More than we realized!

Charlotte even had fun watching the parade - although she did NOT like the helicopter that flew low and slow to begin the parade!

For you non-Tennesseans - you will get a kick out of this. At the start of the parade - a red neck Sheriff car complete with flames painted on the sides was going to lead the way. I leaned over to Craig and said, "only in Tennessee". Right when the car was supposed to lead the way the (ahem) lady driver stalled the car and couldn't get it started. These guys started to push it up the hill...only to decide to give up and let it roll backwards off the I said...only in Tennessee!

Craig loved this car - I call it the back to the future car - he of course knows it's name...I don't.

In the afternoon, we set up a slip and slide - which Karis loved, Joshua hated, and Charlotte didn't notice! We grilled burgers to the sound of our neighbor singing "my burgers are better than your burgers, yes, my burgers are better than yours!" Joshua chanted yum, yum through the whole dinner and Karis kept telling us this was a holiday feast! (really - just burgers, chips and watermelon - but a feast to her)

It was a great holiday for our family! Hope you all had a good holiday too!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Haha love the car being pushed. That'd totally happen here-to us! :)

the picture of the three of you at the end is so adorable.