Friday, March 23, 2007

Outdoor Play

The children are loving the warm weather that has arrived! First thing in the morning, Joshua runs to the door to the backyard and says, "side" which means outside! He does this before having breakfast or even a diaper change. The boy loves to be outdoors!

Karis loves it too. She is very interested in gardening and would love it if we could plant flowers every day - without her brother there to mess them up! Money and property prohibit us from doing this daily, but I anticipate that we will have many fun times this summer doing some gardening projects.

Joshua on the trampoline

Karis and Joshua love to swing while they hold hands. They laugh the whole time - especially when they get going at slightly different paces. Since Karis weighs more than him, they naturally go at different speeds after a short time. Joshua, especially thinks this is funny.

Karis on the trampoline

Joshua usually ends up laying down while Karis bounces him around. He gets to laughing so hard that he gets the hiccups!

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