Thursday, January 31, 2008

Big Boy Bed

Recently we switched Joshua to a toddler sized bed. He loves his "big boy bed". I thought that it would be so hard to switch him from a crib to a bed, but he took to it right away. I am thankful for the easy transition as we will be needing the crib for his new sister soon!

Karis was very eager to help put Joshua's bed together. Here she is tightening all the screws.
Joshua helped too by "holding" the headboard for Karis!

We tip toed into the little guy's room after he was asleep to take a photo. It was so sweet to see him all stretched out with room to spare!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we're right behind you Laura! Addy will be 3 in March and she's definitely outgrowing her bed!