Friday, September 26, 2008

Family Fun Did It Again

We love Family Fun Magazine! There are so many ideas of fun activities to do as a family - hence the name. Yesterday we went to the Plewniaks and began this activity. I forgot my camera, but here is the finished product! Tie-Die pumpkin shirts. The process took a full 24 hours (due to dry time on the shirts), but they are wearing them now. Both children got up this morning asking if their shirts were dry to color the faces on the pumpkins.

So, as soon as breakfast was over we began the faces.

Joshua was more excited about the activity than I thought he would be. I love the way he holds a marker!

Pumpkin shirt. See?


Kim said...

Looks like so much fun! They came out really cool looking!

Laura said...

Great idea. Will have to look into that magazine.

Katie said...

You could submit those pictures to the magazine - they show pictures like this in every issue

Kelly C said...

what a fun fall idea, laura!