Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Karis loves her ballet class. Ann Lamachia teaches 3 ballet classes to different age groups at our church. She is very excited to have her end of the year ballet recital on May 6th. Here she is in her recital attire. Ballet has been very good for Karis. She has learned more than just how to do "tiny runs", "the flamingo posse", "toe taps", and the "cat and mouse". She has learned more about taking turns, remaining quiet in a class setting, controling her body, and participating in group activities.

Karis loves Ms. Ann. She makes ballet artwork for her weekly.

Thank you Ann for all that you teach these little ladies! They are learning more from you than you would imagine! Although the Lord gave you a house full of boys, your delicate nature is teaching my little one and the others as well. Thank you for your investment into their lives and the impression that you are leaving with them. A moment that makes me smile happened the other night as I was putting Karis to bed. She sat up and told me that she was learning a dance to a song that she recognized at church. She told me that it was for the recital and she thought it was supposed to be a suprise. She didn't even notice that if it was a suprise - she ruined it!! But what I loved about that moment was that Karis could sing the song to me and she told me that it was all about Jesus! Thank you Ann.

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