Monday, April 21, 2008


I don't know how it started...but our two older children are very interested in finding worms. They turn over every rock in our backyard looking for them. A few days ago it rained, and when the sun came out I sent them out in their rainboots (a favorite in and of itself). I didn't expect them to find as many worms as they did. With the recent rain there were a ton of worms close to the surface of the ground! They got a bucket and started collecting them.

I know, it is gross to me too. But I am trying not to pass on my aversion to bugs! My mother would scold me if I did!

The worm's fate is as expected...either death by crushing from the not so gentle Joshua, or burried alive in the sand box by Karis - who prides herself on being gentle to them! Too bad we weren't going fishing that afternoon - we would have had plenty of bait!

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